

Announcement Call For Paper Assessment Result National Symposium

After going through the selection process, the National Symposium on Environmental Recovery Post – Court Verdict decided on the Call for Papers that passed to the next stage, as follows:

  1. Ari Wirya Dinata, S.H., M.H., Revi Putri Asriani, Afdhal Fadhila dan Pujha Ravhena, the title Paradigma Dana Jaminan Reklamasi dan Pasca Tambang Menurut UU Minerba (Paradigm of Reclamation and Post Mining Guarantee Funds According to the Minerba Law)
  2. Beni Kurnia Illahi, S.H., M.H. dan Ikhbal Gusri, S.H., the title Upaya Mengembalikan Kerugian Negara Melalui Penegakan Asas Pencemar Membayar (Polluter Pays Principle) dengan Mekanisme Gugatan Perdata oleh Pemerintah. (Recovering State Losses Through Enforcement of the Polluter Pays Principle (Polluter Pays Principle) with the Civil Lawsuit Mechanism by the Government.)
  3. Haykal, S.H. dan Abdhy Walid Siagian, the title Valuasi Ekonomi Jasa Hutan Mangrove dan Komitmen Indonesia dalam Perlindungan Hutan Mangrove Pasca UU Cipta Kerja. (Economic Valuation of Mangrove Forest Services and Indonesia's Commitment to Protecting Mangrove Forests After Cipta Kerja Law)
  4. Ian Hidayat dan Annisa Y Febrianti, the title Kerugian Lingkungan Hidup: Analisis Pengertian Kerugian Lingkungan Hidup Menurut Permen LH Nomor 7/2014 tentang Kerugian LH Akibat Pencemaran dan/atau Kerusakan Lingkungan Hidup. (Environmental Losses: Analysis of the Definition of Environmental Losses According to the Minister of Environment Regulation Number 7/2014 concerning Environmental Losses Due to Pollution and/or Environmental Damage).
  5. Shelvin Putri Irawan, S.H. dan Helmi Chandra SY, S.H., M.H., the title Urgensi Pengaturan Pelaksanaan Perbaikan Lingkungan dalam Putusan Pidana Lingkungan Hidup. (The Urgency of Implementing Environmental Improvement Arrangements in Environmental Criminal Decisions)
  6. Widia Edorita, S.H., M.H., the title Implementasi Prinsi-Prinsip Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dalam Pengelolaan Kehutanan Pasca UU Cipta Kerja. (Implementation of the Principles of Sustainable Development in Forestry Management after the Cipta Kerja Law).

Furthermore, the symposium committee, which is a collaboration between Auriga Nusantara, Faculty of Law Andalas University, and Greenpeace Indonesia, invited the Participant to present their manuscripts, on:

Day/Date    : Wednesday/December 15th, 2021
Time                : 09.00-16.00 Wib
Place             : virtual (link submitted separately))

Thank you to all the partisipant and congratulations to the authors who passed.