

Zoominar BRIN #14: Wildlife Utilization and Exports in Indonesia

AURIGA -  Following up on a series of previous communications, the National Research and Innovation Agency or Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) invited Auriga Nusantara to speak during one of the agency’s regular “zoominar” hybrid discussions, or seminars, on zoos. This 14th zoominar, themed Wildlife Utilization and Exports in Indonesia and held on 19 September 2023 in the BRIN Soekarno Science and Technology Estate, was attended by Auriga Nusantara and 40 researchers from the BRIN Applied Zoology Research Center or Pusat Riset Zoologi Terapan BRIN.  

During the discussion, the BRIN Applied Zoology Research Center academic community heard a presentation from Auriga Nusantara representative Sulih Primara Putra outlining the fact that many of Indonesia’s wildlife exports are still sourced from the wild. In addition, participants also discussed the impacts of wildlife export on Indonesia’s state revenues, wildlife conservation, and natural balance. At the same time, Auriga Nusantara outlined its findings and data on the widespread export of protected species.  

The hybrid discussion involved experts and researchers in the field of applied zoology focusing not only on wildlife exports, but also on conservation, husbandry, animal behavior, and pest control.

Moving forward, BRIN–Auriga collaboration is expected to go beyond zoominar discussions, to involve collaboration in studying wildlife export findings and creating a wildlife supply chain platform. This is a viable idea considering BRIN Applied Zoology Research Center’s breadth of associated academic information and competence, and Auriga Nusantara’s prior involvement in the development of a similar platform named Trase.Earth, which features supply chains for a range of agricultural commodities