FGD: Response to Ministry of Trade’s Regulation to Remove SVLK Requirement in Particular Timber Product Export
AURIGA - Bogor, March 20, 2020 – Auriga, JPIK, ICEL, KAOEM TELAPAK, FWI, IFM Fund had convened in response to the issuance of Permendag 15/2020 (Minister of Trade Regulation 15/2020) regarding the Provisions on the Export of Forestry Industry Products.
The regulation has removed the main export requirements for forestry industry products, called V-Legal Document. The document is a legal document required in the Timber Legality Assurance System, or known as SVLK. This legality system that was built over years and has been accepted by all parties to serve as legitimate guarantee for Indonesian timber products traded in the international market.
Considering the lack of transparency and credibility in Indonesian forest governance under the administration of Ministry of Trade, we fear that the legality standard will slide down into further legal uncertainties and absence of sustainability standards. We decided to send an open letter to the President of Indonesia with high hope to get the President’s attention. The letter is copied to relevant ministries and government’s institutions for immediate follow up