NGOPINI SAWIT #4: Biodiesel Mandatory Program: Challenges and Opportunities
December 17, 2020 - Auriga Nusantara held its fourth webinar of NGOPINI SAWIT series entitled Biodiesel Mandatory Program: Challenges and Opportunities. This theme was chosen as biodiesel mandatory policy has risks of increasing forest conversion to oil palm plantation, with President Joko Widodo intending to accelerate the implementation of biodiesel and B100. Albeit government’s claim that it will generate positive impacts, many fears that this policy will do more harm than good to Indonesian forests.
The webinar was live on Auriga’s Youtube channel and presented four speakers, Moch. Edy Yusuf (Deputy Assistant for Plantation Agribusiness Development, Deputy II of the Coordinationg Ministry for Economic Affairs), Agus Saptono (Head of the Subdirectorate of Bioenergy Business Services and Monitoring in Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry), Yardinal (Manager Biofuel & Additive Supply Chain Pertamina), and Ramada Febrian (Researcher at Auriga Nusantara).
The information and data shown in the webinar are expected to be inputs for Indonesia’s government in evaluating the biodiesel policy, especially in considering the increase level of biodiesel with solar.
Watch the webinar on Auriga Nusantara’s channel.